
Our Story

Decades ago a visionary, Dr D. K. Patel, an Ayurveda practitioner established a company by the name of Ban Labs to popularise the use of Ayurvedic herbs in various categories of products. He strongly believed that the 3000-year-old Veda (Science) could be used to give new Ayus (Life) and vigour to the sick and the infirm.

Today, BANLabs is a market leader in the Indian Wellness industry with a separate category of products in the beauty, hair and healthcare industries. BANLabs flagship product is a green tea brand called CARE. It comes in five, aromatic flavours that have organic green tea mixed with curative Ayurvedic herbs.


The Story of Tea

A long time ago in China, there lived a king by the name of Shen Nung. One day, tired after a long journey, he rested under a tree waiting for his aides to get him a cup of warm water. As an aide carried the cup to the king, a leaf dropped into the water and gave off a strong, pleasant fragrance. Liking the taste, the King asked his aide to make him that brew regularly – often with a few drops of honey.


Tea Travels

By the beginning of the 9th century, Japanese travellers to China started sampling the brew and developed a taste for it. One legend has it that Dengyo Daishi – a Buddhist Monk – brought the first tea seeds for planting in Japan. 

Towards the end of the 16th Century, Portuguese tradesmen visiting China and Japan sampled the brew and fell in love with it. The British, surprisingly, were among the last to get addicted to tea. As the story goes, when Princess Catherine, a Portuguese Princess got wedded to King Charles II, he would often have regular tea-drinking sessions with his bride. Soon Queen Catherine began serving tea at royal gatherings. 

Which is Better – Black or Green?

EGCG (EpiGalloCatechin Gallate) content is higher in green tea compared to black tea. Green tea also contains cancer-preventing properties. Toxin-free, green tea is also good for heart and cholesterol control.

Bringing Ayurvedic Wisdom to Green Tea

Although technically, green tea is not an Ayurvedic herb, it does find mention in the Rig Veda, the ancient Indian scripture. Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, as we do with the Care Brand, it multiplies the benefits of green tea. Small wonder, Ayurvedic herbs is today a thriving $8 billion USD market in India and the popularity is growing amongst the health-conscious millennial consumer.

When Ayurveda Meets Green Tea

BanLabs’ founder Dr D. K. Patel was the first to recognize the dual benefits of green tea mixed with Ayurvedic herbs. As an expert, he knew that the science of life (Ayus + Veda) is based on the principle of doshas – also called energies – Vatta (governing the movement of mind and body), Pitta (governing metabolism), and Kapha (governing the body structure and holding everything together). 

Not many know that if consumed in the right quantity, caffeine has many health benefits. A blend of low caffeine green tea and Ayurvedic herbs is the perfect antidote to many ailments that CARE brings you. Care variants are prepared after careful research, keeping in mind the Ayurvedic doshas and the benefits derived from the selected herbs. It is important to understand your Ayurvedic dosha before selecting the right Care variant to get the best out of your daily cuppa.
